Chain care is crucial. But whether you are new to cycling or an avid biker, your chain will eventually rust. You’ll want to remove rust from your bike chain before beginning your summer rides. There are some things you’ll want to do to prep the chain. So, lets get started with how to remove rust from a bike chain.

How to Prep your Bike Chain

Before you can get rid of rust, you need clean the chain.

During regular use, your chain will accumulate grease and dirt. The rust forms beneath this layer, so you must remove this extra layer to remove it effectively. For that, you need a degreaser. 

How to Degrease a Bike Chain

Step 1: Safety First

Put on your PPE (personal protective equipment) such as gloves and protective eyewear when working on a project.

Step 2: Detach Chain

  • Detach the chain from the bicycle to get dirt and grease hidden in small crevices.
  • Step 3: Degreaser Soak

    Soak or spray the chain in the degreaser in a clean container. The soaking duration will depend on how much dirt and grease is on your bike chain. For severe cases, you should soak for at least 24 hours. You can use a rag or soft brush to free the grease from the chain.

    Step 3: Rinse

    Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

    How to Remove Rust from a Bike Chain

    Now that you have degreased the chain, you can de-rust it. Here are the steps to remove rust from your bike chain.

    Step 1: Safety First

    Put on your PPE (personal protective equipment) such as gloves and protective eyewear when working on a project.

    Step 2: Soak

    In a clean container, soak the chain in EVAPO-RUST® Rust Remover for 30 minutes. It may take longer if the rust is severe.

    Step 3: Rinse

    Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.

    Basic Bike Chain Lubrication

    Lubing your chain is the most important thing you can do after you have cleaned it.

    If you don’t oil it properly, it will rust again. If that happens, you will need to repeat the process of cleaning it or replace it altogether.

    There are many lubricants on the market, so choose carefully.

    How to Lubricate a Bike Chain

    Step 1: Position

    Turn your bike upside down for easy access.

    Step 2: Apply Lubricant

    Pour or spray the lubricant directly onto the chain as you turn the tires so that they can get to all parts of the chain.

    Applying too much lubricant isn’t recommended, so give the chain a gentle wipe with a clean cloth to remove excess oil.

    Just turn your bike back over and you’re done!

    Be safe and enjoy your biking adventures this season.

    How Rust Occurs on Your Bike Chain

    When a bike chain encounters salt, water, and mud, a chemical reaction can occur, causing it to rust. 

    A dirty and rusty chain makes you work harder, can ruin gear shifting, and damage the drivetrain. 

    Follow these tips above to get your bike ready for those summer rides.

    What’s Next?

    Find Evapo-Rust® products online or at your favorite local retailer.

    If you have questions about any of our rust-removing products, please don’t hesitate to contact customer care at (800) 556-5074. For technical support, please call (800) 556-5074.